Tekom spring conference: TermSolutions with NMT lecture

Tekom spring conference: TermSolutions with NMT lecture

After the annual meeting in autumn took place virtually, tekom has again put together an extensive online program for its spring meeting in 2021. In   over 50 specialist lectures, meetups and workshops from May 5th to 7th, experts will present experiences, new trends, exciting projects and helpful best practices. Of course, TermSolutions will also be there with a lecture on a cutting-edge topic: neural machine translation. The date: May 7th from 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.

NMT: hype or must-have

Thanks to artificial intelligence and deep learning, neural machine translation is more contemporary than ever. In times of internationalization and globalization, it appears to many as a panacea. But what do you have to pay attention to if you want to use the new technology profitably? TermSolutions Managing Director Prof. Dr. On May 7th, Rachel Herwartz will spend 45 minutes on the question of whether neural machine translation is just hype or a must-have.

Indispensable: individual engines and terminology work

In view of the huge need for translation – also and especially – in times of a pandemic, there is no getting around NMT. So that the must-have doesn’t degrade itself to mere hype, two things are indispensable: individual engines and consistent terminology work. In this exciting specialist lecture, listeners will find out why this is the case and how MT systems can be trained for specific types of text and customers. There is then the opportunity to exchange information in the chat. The session is recorded and then made available as a video download for all registered participants.  

Online tickets are also available at short notice on the tekom conference website.