Since Babel at the latest, it has been clear: if you don’t want the tower to collapse, you have to come to an understanding while building it. In other words: projects can only be successfully implemented if everyone knows what they are talking about – and can be sure that their colleagues will do the same. Using sample situations from everyday working life, we will show you how important it is to have uniform terminology in the company. It’s not just about incorrectly delivered spare parts and incomprehensible operating instructions. A lot of time and money can be saved with professional terminology work.
But what exactly does terminology work consist of?
What does terminology theory mean as opposed to terminology work? What is the difference between “term” and “naming”? What do you do with terms and systems of terms? What requirements should terms meet? How do you rate them? This online workshop provides you with a practical overview of the basics of terminology work.
2-hour workshop
How it works: Practical knowledge for terminology work
Working methods
imparted knowledge
Working methods
practical exercise
imparted knowledge
Terminological triangle
Conceptual orientation and naming autonomy
Introduction to naming
Evaluation and development of definitions
120.00 € plus VAT per participant (incl. certificate of participation)
next event
upon request
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