More and more companies are facing the challenge of establishing professional terminology management to ensure smooth communication – both internally and externally. For a uniform corporate language, however, the terminology must first be standardized. The terminology guideline provides the basis for this. Because: It doesn’t work without rules.
Using examples, we work out how to set up a terminology guideline and what makes a good term. In this workshop you will find out what belongs in it. Then you can successfully put the theory into practice – and shape your corporate language.
2-hour workshop
Terminology guideline: How to shape your corporate language
Working methods
imparted knowledge
Working methods
practical exercise
imparted knowledge
Structure and use of a terminology guideline
Terminologist’s duties
Criteria for evaluating designations
Introduction to naming
systematic development of company-specific rules
Introduction to coordination processes with and without a terminology group
120.00 € plus VAT per participant (incl. certificate of participation)
next event
upon request
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