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  5. 4.2 Creating new terminology entries

4.2 Creating new terminology entries

Ø For example, if you want to add not only another term or additional information to an existing concept, but also a new concept to your termbase, create a new entry for which you can then enter the appropriate terms and additional information.


Ø  Click on the Create new concept button in the detailed view.

Fig.20: Create new concept button

Fig.21: Create concept field

Ø  First select the termbase in which you want to create the new entry.

·       All created termbases that have been released for your user name are available in the picklist.

Ø  Then click on the Add button.

·       The Concept editing view opens in a new window.

Fig.22: Concept editing view

Tip: Metadata such as the name of the termbase, creation date and time and editor (user name) are created automatically.

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