The terminology data and entries in the termbases can be exported using various export formats.
Ø To start the export function, click on the button in the results list of found entries Export found terms.
Fig.33: Export terms found button
Fig.34: Export input field
Overview of the export formats
| Use the CSV format if you want to export terminology data in the form of a a semicolon-separated utf8 table for further processing.
| Use the XLS format if you want to export terminology data in the form of an Excel table for further processing.
| Use the TBX format if you want to export terminology data in the form of a TBX file and want to exchange it with another TBX-capable system. The TBX export format (Term Base Exchange) is an open XML standard for the exchange of terminology data. |
| Use the XML format if you want to export terminology data in the form of an XML file for further processing. This XML export format is termXplorer-specific.
| Use the Multiterm XML format if you want to import terminology data in the form of an XML file into Multiterm.
| Use the Graph-ML format if you want to export term systems that were maintained as notation in termXplorer and want to display them graphically in another system.