· Check the fields Term, Usage and Replace by in the section Term Details and compare them with the found term in the text.
· Is the term really to be replaced?
o Click on the button Replace and Next
· The proposal in the field Replace by doesn’t match?
o In the list below check further terms and the details.
o From the drop down field Replace by select another term.
o Click on the button Replace and Next
· The found term is correct and not to be replaced?
o Click on the button Next Anchor
· The found term should not be found again?
o Click on the button Ignore All
Important: Please check the grammatical correctness of the inserted term in any case. Possibly the text has to be cutomized.
Example: If you replace „robotization“ (a) by „automation“ (an) you have to adapt the indefinite article.
After successful correction the markers can be removed.
· Click on the symbol Remove markers
Save the document just like in any usual application.