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Nov 18 2024


9:30 am - 1:00 pm

BDÜ online training: Terminology work in the age of AI and MT for advanced users – designing terminology databases (german language)

Training format: Training

The requirements for terminology management and reconciliation systems in companies are increasing. Termbases must be easy to use and self-explanatory for inexperienced users from all departments and around the world, while at the same time meeting all interface requirements with and without AI. This is why the requirements for the design of termbases are becoming increasingly complex.

At the same time, customers and their systems provide Excel lists, glossaries or bilingual dictionaries as input, which first have to be adapted to the requirements of modern terminology management before they can be adopted. Terminology management systems are therefore just as challenging as maintaining other systems in the company, such as a content management system.

The webinar provides you with the necessary knowledge about the current requirements for the design of multilingual terminology databases. 1.5 hours of theory will be followed by a workshop section in which participants will be able to implement various concepts in online databases and reflect on and evaluate their own experiences with the conception of termbases.

Further information and registration at BDÜ Weiterbildungs- und Fachverlagsgesellschaft mbH (bdue-fachverlag.de)