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Nov 13 2024


9:30 am - 1:00 pm

BDÜ Online Training: Terminology work in times of AI and MT for beginners – New tasks for translators (german language)

Training format: Training

With the advent of machine translation – whether neural or with the help of large language models – the translator’s task is shifting from translating texts to quality management of pre-translated texts and, above all, to multilingual terminology work even before translation. After all, who knows more about terms and their terminology than specialist translators?

However, having high-quality terminology in foreign languages recorded in a termbase is still something new for many customers. Until now, they have tended to see terminology as a “by-product” that is created with every translation job and is included in the translation memories. With translations created by AI, this no longer works – and so terminology work is becoming a mandatory basis for machine-translated texts.

For many translators, setting up multilingual terminology, integrating it into the training and translation phase and monitoring it in the quality assurance process is a new and challenging task – but one that can be a lot of fun!

The webinar provides the necessary knowledge about the current requirements for multilingual terminology work in times of AI, about methods and their implementation in various tools. 1.5 hours of theory is followed by a workshop section with interactive exercises in which participants can also reflect on and evaluate their own experiences with tools and terminology projects.

Further information and registration at BDÜ Weiterbildungs- und Fachverlagsgesellschaft mbH (bdue-fachverlag.de)