Machine translation and LLMs

Machine translation with AI

Localize texts better & faster using artificial intelligence

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The first machine translation was produced by an IBM mainframe computer in 1954: 250 words from Russian into English. At about the same time, the term “Artificial Intelligence” first came up in the USA. Since then, scientists have been busy teaching machines to translate.

Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the future of many areas of business. Deep learning has finally opened the way for machine translation.
And what is more: As a neural translation solution, MT now has enormous potential.

We want you to use it.

You won't get very far without neural machine translation.

You offer more and more products in more and more markets? You have to serve new marketing channels with individual, localized content? This means that there is more and more content that must be translated into more and more languages ​​- some of it in real time?

If you want your communication to reach your target markets worldwide, there is no getting around NMT solutions.

With a good NMT solution, you'll get better and better.

Neural machine translation allows you to provide digital content faster, and more accurately in any target language while at the same time incurring less costs. And best of all: Your results keep getting better because your NMT system learns from every translation.

Why you should talk to TermSolutions?

Quite simply: We are proven experts in the field of translation management. We have been developing technology solutions for multilingual processes since 2004. We are independent consultants. We are experienced coaches. 

But most notably:

We offer you tailor-made consulting services for your machine translation projects.

Introducing NMT - yes or no?

2-day proof of concept

We advise you individually and independently on the use of neural machine translation in your company.

You would like to optimize your localization process and consider introducing NMT in your company? In this workshop we will determine together whether an NMT solution makes sense for you in terms of translation content and economics. We will look at which types of text are suitable for machine translation. We will define the system requirements and analyze your current situation. We will look into which modifications or add-ons would be necessary and to what extent NMT would change your workflow - including your pre- and post-editing. We will deal with data security in the NMT process.

Inquire now

NMT in action

Pilot project

Jump in at the deep end and have a soft landing - doing a pilot project with us.

Adopting neural machine translation is a complex undertaking. The decision to do so should be made carefully. Some others might tell you that you must plan at least six months ahead before you have a ready-to-use, customized engine. We offer you an NMT pilot project: Manageable, calculable, extremely helpful for decision support and to be implemented at short notice.

Inquire now

You would like to manage your multi-site projects as flexibly and efficiently as possible? Look at what we have to offer in terms of virtual project management.

Would you like to know more or get in touch?


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